The Evolution of Home Staging

Jun 12, 2023

The Art and Science of Home Staging

Home staging is a strategic process used by homeowners and realtors to make a property appealing to the maximum number of potential buyers. It involves enhancing a property's visual appeal by rearranging furniture, decluttering, and incorporating design elements. Sounds simple, right? But wait, there's a whole lot more to it.

Early Beginnings

Home staging has its roots in the 1970s, when a realtor named Barb Schwarz started using the term to describe her unique approach of preparing homes for sale. Back then, home staging was more of an art than a science, with its primary focus on aesthetics.

The Evolution of Home Staging

Pre-2000s: Staging in its Infancy

During the 1980s and 1990s, the concept of home staging was relatively unknown. Most homeowners simply relied on traditional cleaning and minor repairs to prepare their homes for sale. However, by the late 1990s, home staging started gaining recognition, with many realtors beginning to see its potential for increasing property value.

2000-2010: Increased Awareness and Recognition

The first decade of the new millennium marked a significant shift in how people viewed home staging. With the rise of TV shows focusing on property sales and makeover, home staging emerged from the shadows and entered mainstream consciousness.

2010-Present: The Age of Digital Staging

The advent of technology has had a profound impact on home staging. With the emergence of virtual and augmented reality, potential buyers can now visualize how a property would look like with different furnishings and decors, all from the comfort of their homes.

Significance of Home Staging

Home Staging and Property Value

Home staging plays a pivotal role in not only attracting potential buyers but also in increasing property value. According to a study, staged homes sell for more than 6% above the asking price on average.

Psychological Impact of Home Staging

Home staging also has a psychological impact on potential buyers. A well-staged home can help buyers visualize themselves living in the space, creating an emotional connection that could ultimately influence their buying decision.

The Future of Home Staging

Technological Advancements

Technology continues to revolutionize home staging. Innovations like virtual staging and AI-powered design tools will further transform the industry, offering endless possibilities.

Green Home Staging

With increasing environmental consciousness, green home staging, which incorporates sustainable and eco-friendly design elements, is predicted to be a significant trend in the future.

Becoming a Home Stager

Skills Needed

To become a successful home stager, one needs not only a keen eye for design but also a deep understanding of the real estate market and solid business acumen.

The Business of Home Staging

The business aspect of home staging is equally important. From creating a home staging contract to mastering the art of pricing, it takes a lot to run a successful home staging business.


The evolution of home staging reflects the dynamic nature of the real estate market. As technology continues to advance, the industry is set to undergo even more dramatic changes. Regardless of these changes, one thing is certain: the art and science of home staging will continue to be a critical part of the home selling process.


  1. What is home staging? Home staging is a process of preparing a property for sale to make it appealing to a maximum number of potential buyers.

  2. How has home staging evolved over the years? Home staging has evolved from a little-known concept in the 1980s to a recognized and valued practice today, with technological advancements further reshaping the industry.

  3. Why is home staging important? Home staging increases property value and helps potential buyers visualize themselves living in the space, which can influence their buying decision.

  4. What does the future hold for home staging? The future of home staging will be shaped by technological innovations and increased focus on sustainable design practices.

  5. How can one become a home stager? To become a home stager, one needs a combination of design skills, understanding of the real estate market, and business acumen.

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